Jefferson’s Blue Ridge Mountains
Jefferson’s Blue Ridge Mountains

Jefferson’s Blue Ridge Mountains
From the sunrise to the sunset the Piedmont of Central Virginia, the subtle beauty of the gentle Blue Ridge Mountains shimmers in the near distance. Cattle farms, vineyards, horse facilities, and farming operations all thrive in the valleys and bottomlands, which derive their fertility from these ancient mountains.
Because of the abundance of profitable agriculture, as well as the cultural influence of The University of Virginia, this area has for several centuries attracted people who love the land and the mountains, who have faith in a great tradition, and who strive to preserve an enviably superior quality of life.
These attributes create a stable, open society which balances conservative wisdom with an intelligent appreciation of innovative thought. If you are the type of person who would feel at home among such people in a setting of continually changing, continually beguiling natural beauty, you would be wise to consider a pleasant life in the land of Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, and so many other perceptive people who chose the area, above all others, to be their home.