
36 SPRING CT, WAYNESBORO, Virginia 22980 - $729,900

3 Bedrooms
3 Bathrooms
2,808 Sq.Ft
Marketed by Virginia Estates

For Detailed Buyer Information Call (434) 409-4056 or email deidre@virginiaestates.com

Property Description

A one owner stunning custom built home located in a highly desirable neighborhood on a cut-de-sac. Close to Interstate 64 corridor and the main hub of Waynesboro. The home has plenty of beautiful woodwork throughout which includes a floor to ceiling mantle, built-in floor to ceiling bookcase, lots of hardwood floors, custom made kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanities, massive oak staircase with voluted handrail along with oversized spindles and much more to be appreciated. Ideal home for entertaining as has a deck, patio, screened porch, and a spacious backyard. Inside has sunroom, family room, dining room, living room, and of course the kitchen for hanging out with family and friends. And if that is not enough…there is also a detached garage with a walk- up attic to storage, has heating and AC, 100 amp electrical service that includes 220 current. Multi purpose garage can be used as a garage or workshop, or just a hangout to relax and chill in.

For Detailed Buyer Information Call (434) 409-4056 or email deidre@virginiaestates.com

Property Details
Basic Details
Property Type : Residential
Price : $729,900
Bedrooms : 3
Rooms : 16
Bathrooms : 3
Half Bathrooms : 1
Floor Size : 2,808 Sq.Ft
Year Built : 1985
Lot : 0.81 Acre
Status : Active

For Detailed Buyer Information Call (434) 409-4056 or email deidre@virginiaestates.com

: Central
: Central a/c
: Partial, Connecting stairway, Daylight
: Brick
: Paved driveway, Asphalt driveway, Private

For Detailed Buyer Information Call (434) 409-4056 or email deidre@virginiaestates.com

Address Map
Shenandoah Valley
W79° 3' 6.9''
N38° 3' 11.3''

For Detailed Buyer Information Call (434) 409-4056 or email deidre@virginiaestates.com

Stuarts Draft
Stuarts draft
Stuarts draft

For Detailed Buyer Information Call (434) 409-4056 or email deidre@virginiaestates.com

Additional Details
2,318 Sq.Ft
1,460 Sq.Ft
: Sf15
: Dining room, Foyer, Half bath, Kitchen, Living room, Family room, Sun/florida room, Other, Bedroom 2, Bedroom 3, Attic, Screened porch, Bathroom 2, Bathroom 3, Primary Bedroom, Primary Bathroom
: Ceramic tile, Vinyl, Marble, Partially carpeted, Solid Hardwood, Engineered Wood
: Cul-de-sac, Landscaping
: Victorian
: Brick/mortar
: Settlement
On Site Septic
: Above grade, Below grade
: Public
: Architectural shingle
: Screened, Porch(es), Patio(s), Deck(s)
: Mountain
Chandelier in Dining Room. Will be replaced with original brass chandelier
: Sidewalks, Gutter System

For Detailed Buyer Information Call (434) 409-4056 or email deidre@virginiaestates.com

For Detailed Buyer Information Call (434) 409-4056 or email deidre@virginiaestates.com

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    For immediate response contact Deidre Carpenter 434-409-4056, deidre@virginiaestates.com.
    Virginia Estates uses MLS data from Charlottesville Area Association of Realtors, Richmond Association of Realtors, Chesapeake Bay & Rivers Association, and Bright MLS to generate real estate listings for sale on this website. This information is deemed to be reliable, but not guaranteed. Virginia Estates has attempted to offer accurate data, but buyers are advised to confirm all items from IDX and from this website. RE/MAX Realty Specialists represents the interest of the seller 4349741500 VAAG2000474. What is IDX? According to IDXBroker.com, IDX (Internet Data Exchange) allows agents and brokers to access and display MLS listing information on their real estate websites. Also known as Broker Reciprocity, the term "IDX" refers to the software, rules and regulations which allow MLS data to show on your site. This data feed typically encompasses the listing data for properties entered into the MLS system, while IDX rules may determine where, what, and how it is displayed.
    For buyer representation by Virginia Estates contact Deidre Carpenter 434-409-4056, deidre@virginiaestates.com.