00 Presley Creek, Heathsville,VA 22473


00 Presley Creek Dr, Heathsville, Virginia 22473 - $16,000

0.24 Acre
Marketed by Virginia Estates

For Detailed Buyer Information Call (434) 409-4056 or email deidre@virginiaestates.com

Property Description

3- .24 acre LOTS IN Bay Quarter Shores total together .72 acres! Come build your ream home! This community is FULL of amenities- Club House w/ free high speed internet, pool, picnic area & playground are all waterfront! Multiple places to launch your watercraft- boat launch & jet ski dock on the Potomac + canoe launch on Presley Creek! Bigger boats can dock for a weekend or week, there are lots of walking trails, private sand beach, garden plots, campground for BQS residents & their guests even designated hunting land! Other community amenities include: basketball, tennis/pickleball, driving range etc- Bay Quarter Shores arguably offers the BEST community amenities on the Northern Neck! Small annual fee of $275!!! Location is amazing- Food Lion, all 3 Schools, Heathsville & YMCA are 6 mi or less! Breezline High Speed Internet! Owning a lot in BAY QUARTER SHORES GIVES YOU FULL ACCESS TO ALL AMENITIES! 1 HOA fee is paid on 3 consecutive lots! If building you can park a camper in the campground for up to 18mo. (buyer to verify)

For Detailed Buyer Information Call (434) 409-4056 or email deidre@virginiaestates.com

Property Details
Basic Details
Property Type : Land
Price : $16,000
Lot : 0.24 Acre
Status : Active

For Detailed Buyer Information Call (434) 409-4056 or email deidre@virginiaestates.com

Address Map
Bay Quarter Shores
E0° 0' 0''
N0° 0' 0''

For Detailed Buyer Information Call (434) 409-4056 or email deidre@virginiaestates.com


For Detailed Buyer Information Call (434) 409-4056 or email deidre@virginiaestates.com

Additional Details
: Additionallandavailable
: Insurance, Clubhouse, Commonareas, Pools, Associationmanagement, Recreationfacilities, Wateraccess
: Wellneeded

For Detailed Buyer Information Call (434) 409-4056 or email deidre@virginiaestates.com

For Detailed Buyer Information Call (434) 409-4056 or email deidre@virginiaestates.com

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    Call (434) 409-4056


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    For immediate response contact Deidre Carpenter 434-409-4056, deidre@virginiaestates.com.
    Virginia Estates uses MLS data from Charlottesville Area Association of Realtors, Richmond Association of Realtors, Chesapeake Bay & Rivers Association, and Bright MLS to generate real estate listings for sale on this website. This information is deemed to be reliable, but not guaranteed. Virginia Estates has attempted to offer accurate data, but buyers are advised to confirm all items from IDX and from this website. Long & Foster REALTORS represents the interest of the seller (804) 288-8888 2502878. What is IDX? According to IDXBroker.com, IDX (Internet Data Exchange) allows agents and brokers to access and display MLS listing information on their real estate websites. Also known as Broker Reciprocity, the term "IDX" refers to the software, rules and regulations which allow MLS data to show on your site. This data feed typically encompasses the listing data for properties entered into the MLS system, while IDX rules may determine where, what, and how it is displayed.
    For buyer representation by Virginia Estates contact Deidre Carpenter 434-409-4056, deidre@virginiaestates.com.